The Longwood Players

There’s a place for everyone in the theater…

Buy Tickets for the Winter Fundraiser!

The Longwood Players’ winter cabaret fundraiser is on Friday February 2 and Saturday February 3 at 8pm! See your favorite Longwood legends as they perform our first winter fundraiser in our new home at Chelsea Theatre Works. Show up early to enjoy some food and drink.

Buy tickets for the show now — and remember, table seats sell out quickly, so get them now!

Featuring Longwood favorites, including  Perry Albert, Michael Chateauneuf, Miriam Cross, Paul Giragos, Kevin Hanley, Ben Jamieson, April Pressel, Rachel Savage, Fran Weber and Todd Yard. And see Longwood newcomers Xavier Alexander Durden, Tom Kelleher and Jamie-Shannon Ferguson from the cast of our upcoming spring musical, Next to Normal. With Karin Denison on piano.